FasTension™ Chain Tensioning System

ECHO's FasTension™ (99988802200) is a tool-less chain tensioning system for the CS-370 and CS-400 chainsaws. FasTension makes chain tensioning adjustments quick and easy without use of a scrench or tightening tool. Designed with a rotating lever that replaces locking nuts and a tensioning wheel that replaces an adjustment screw, FasTension allows for adjustments to be made in four easy steps for the perfect amount of tension in less time over traditional methods.

  • Tool-less chain tensioning
  • Easy installation and operation
  • Save time when adjusting chain tension


Adjust chain tension without a scrench or any other tools

Tool-less chain tensioning
For making adjustments in-field adjustments without access to a scrench or other tool
Easy installation and operation
Replaces existing sprocket cover on CS-370 and CS-400
Save time when adjusting chain tension
In just four simple steps


Material Metal/Plastic
Kit Contents FasTension
Pkg. Qty 1

Technical Documents

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